Home News Are you an expert in financing the equipment?

Are you an expert in financing the equipment?

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We have access to more information than we have never had fingertips. A library full of encyclopedias is now dwarf with the material we can all download on the internet. This allows us to be much more informed and knowledgeable, but that makes experts in any specific domain? Preferably not. Relevant information directed in a specific area fail to give us a real understanding. Knowledge without practical experience through tests, tests and repetition are only “book knowledge” without real world experience. But this differentiation can be confusing to some.

Are you going to your doctor and advise him how to look at you? You could go and tell him what you feel can be wrong depending on your observations and your knowledge, but you will certainly not pursue their protocol for consideration. You may have read tons of articles on what “could” be wrong, but you do not have ten, twenty or thirty years of experience and targeted training dealing with these types of problems.

We often receive call supplier calls and customers who want to know more about the financial process so they are informed and how to inform their clients. It is great to know several areas of your business process, but trying to become an expert in each domain is self-defeated and disastrous. The complexity of many companies prevented the idea that the owner had to be an expert in each area of ​​their business. Our office spends innumerable hours doing one main thing; Evaluate the following financial, create profiles and structuring programs that are suitable for a particular need. Would you like to read some articles on business financing and do what we are doing so effectively? Even if you were a notified CFO with years of experience; You would not have spent more than 10% of your time financing equipment because there are various other functions that CFOs are responsible.

If you commit yourself with an expert (someone who knows more and has more experience than you in a region), it is good to let them do their job so that you can do your job more experienced. Of course, a key is to select a trusted professional to talk to you in the first place. Read several items from unreliable or unchecked sources, whether the Internet is flooded, do not make an expert; It simply increases the awareness of how much you really do not know.

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